Sunday, July 12, 2009

One's I shouldn't have passed on !

I'm good with Irish Guilt..but here are a couple that still bug me...

The lil' bucket doesn't look like much but the fabrication detail was Killer.. The Str8Rdstr was built by a pro shop and up close it looked it.. probably had four times the billable hours over the asking price... Dump a couple projects and have fun instead of always trying to build my own .. no washing , no waxing no car cover...  Man am I a wussy letting it get away....
I still love the idea of throwing on the goggles grab a buddy and go driving or to a car show.. bit of deep green on the block and I'd been a happy cat... + who doesn't a Buick straight 8 ...Coool....

Z06.. Speaks for it's self ... plus the price was right...

Professor Fate goes back .. God I hate to say 20 years .. had the money, but not the faith....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

24 Eyed Monster

Well I did add art to the Intro.. so here is a piece my lil' guy drew a couple years ago (age5)  and I colored ... Still love his drawing of this critter...

More J-4

Bit more on the J-4


It's a mess.. but what the hell...

Lasest Folly!!!

Well I pushed the limits of sanity and instead of dumping projects I added to the pile...
I've had my eye on one of these J-4's for years and keep missing out.. This time the price was right and I was first to jump on it.. I'm sure your thinking  "He's Nuts" but there pretty slick and yes I am nuts ...

This one is an early Corvette chassis set up for a Cadillac mill.. Roof line sits at 38"  at ride height .. Man is it a trick to get in .....

The guy I got it from has had it for close to 30 years and the guy who built it said it ran at Bonneville back in the day...

And no..That pretty Caddie ain't mine.. For illustration purposes only !

Coolest lady of Auto Sports !

You have to have a beautiful lady if you are going to have a Iron Blog.. That and she is real cool....

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Daily Rides...

The 58' GMC Napco 336v8 4x4 at my buddy Dan's gas station..and with her new skinny shoes and rack...

Also the 66'425 Toronado.. Almost as long as my friends long bed crew cab Ford.

Historic Ramp Truck

Well if I ever get a car done to haul.. I can do it in period style. that is if I can get the truck together...

The ramp truck was used to haul Fred Teixeira Willies/ Vette out of Bakersfield in starting 1969'

The best part.. It has a newly reupholstered seat.. yeah the "Boss" didn't buy it either...

Vic Concept

Vic photochoped to the general idea of what she will look like... 

Funny, this is an other drawing my Dad did back in the day..  I just found it a few months ago...

The lower is a in progress shot..

Sports Racer

My current distraction.. the one that has taken me from my 914, 55', and GMC crew cab projects...

She is a 55' Victress C-3.. Fiberglass body on a XJ 150 Jag chassis to be powered by a mechanical fuel injected small block Chevy...

914 /Subie Project..

Dead Stock (really dead ) before start of 300 hp Subaru Transplant.. Unfortunately I'm like a Crow and a new shinny bit has distracted me ( figuratively)...  As she sits now motor is hung, I have the new computer in my little hands and in process of mounting the turbo... Coup polish job sure looked good ...

Ones I monkeyed with and sold...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cat 20

Probably the only 32' I'll ever own.. Fairly rare as old tractors go.. No. 76 out of 550... One of three old tractors I own, but my hands down favorite!...

 Her she is working .. moving a container I'm using for extra parts and a return wall for a future car port... Other jobs include moving cars, pulling a set of discs, Kiddy rides and crushing old travel trailers.. what fun....

Some of the 4x4's

Why "IHS"

Cuz .. it was the race team me and the Ol' Man never got to take past the Slot Car stage... Me and the kid are trying to change that with are vintage road race projects ... This was on of his sketches from 1958.. just turned 19...