Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daniel McLoughlin Selover RIP

Lost a good friend just before Thanksgiving. Dan was working on his movie ranch and pushed himself a bit too hard.. Have to say I still really sad to lose such a interesting friend. Dan was a renaissance man... Learned bodywork in his dads shop, worked for Barris, had his own body shop, was a drummer, bought Jim Garner's race team and formed a Porsche racing body business from it, started a prop house and last he was working on a movie ranch. The longer you knew him the more interesting things you found out and I'm sure I only scratched the surface... Thought I'd post a few picture of some of the Porsches Dan designed built the body work for...

Hammer down Dan....


  1. My name is Laura McLoughlin Golder Gortner. Completely shocked, breathless, I just found out earlier today,.I was and am his first wife,.we married March 16,1974 days after my birthday. *I was barely 17 he was 34, it didn't last,. it was to much being a wife, still attending High School and working after school It was amicable. We stayed in touch and saw each other, as good ol'friends,. about every 2 years or so.I last saw him June 29th 2009, with Manny Garcia,to which I met at Dannys AIR Burbank Bl.Shop, and remain friends today.I am so very heartbroken and lost,. he was always there for me and I for him. My heart felt sympathy to Blake and Bevan. I just can not believe he's gone. See you later , my Love as always "Sport" * "17 will get you 20" Dan Haggerty carved into our upstair mantel.I was completely puzzled, I didn't get-it until well.. I was about 26. **just a little foot note,. at 17 I was driving a Dark Plum Lamborghini Mura to Burbank High! He didn't give it to me any other reason than "shits and giggles" letting everybody know including the Burbank Police Dept. how bout' it, that he could. weeeeeeeeee! I dont know how to sign out.........I cant so'll remain as always. still just around the way. 845-5555. I LOVE YOU DANNY! XX

  2. My Gosh! Danny was a pretty good friend. I wrote a magazine article featuring him and two friends - Jon Wad and Mike B. Danny was like no other. A genius and a lot of heart. I also knew Manny. Met him years before I met Dan. Both of them credited me with movie deals - though indirectly. I think of Danny very often. David Barry

  3. Should have spell-checked that post. I meant to write Jon Ward and Mike Bohannon.

  4. I have known danny since 1977...I moved and lost touch..I just read this..I can't believe this..he was very kind..I am so sorry..I used to call him Air Porsche was a very kind kind person..
